Boston House of Pizza

956 American Legion Hwy, Roslindale, MA 02131 Order now
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It's Not Fast Food. It's Great Food, Fast!


Our reviews

Reviews from Grubhub

Boston House of Pizza Reviews on Grubhub


2 reviews
Food was great and we enjoyed it very much though a there was an issue...

Grub hub delayed the order by 40min, I had to order when I got there to pick it up and they had to give me a refund from the grub hub order which showed up 20 min after I arrived, even though the app told me it would be ready to pick up in a few min.

Come on Grub Hub get your act together thus isn't the first time his has happened with you.


1 review
I go there on Wednesdays after the gym with my friend but this was the first time I ordered a delivery. The restaurant is still fabulous.


1 review
Since moving back to Boston, I have ordered two times from Boston House of Pizza. The food is very good, and I will order again.


2 reviews
I love Boston house great food have been eating from there since I live around the area since 2010.


4 reviews
The food was amazing and the driver was fast with delivery. Driver was friendly and professional.

About us

Dinner, Lunch Specials, Pizza
Delivery: 11:00 AM - 9:15 PM
Takeout: 11:00 AM - 9:15 PM